In Hebra Perdida [Lost Thread] by Nury González, we have chosen to organize the exhibition based on two key aspects: first, the thematic or referential field of the works, which forms an initial interpretative layer; and second, a narrative that aligns with the notion of a "retrospective," which inherently involves a historical review.
It would not be fair to speak of exhaustiveness in the final selection of works, as we have left out several pieces that would undoubtedly add further complexity to González' formal and production systems -an important factor in historically framing her work. However, we sought to outline a curatorial narrative that clearly expresses the transition in González' practice from two-dimensional works to installations. At the same time, the exhibition traces a path through works that employ artisanal techniques as an artistic medium and others where technique itself becomes the central axis of reflection on the past and its modes of representation in the present.
Through this exhibition, we aimed to present an artistic practice that operates in a state of constant transition, where the past is perhaps the most explored subject. However, as a contemporary approach, González seeks to reference a present shaped by those truncated or fractured temporalities that define both the artist’s own biography and that of our country.
Curatorial team
Nury González
Macarena Murúa
Diego Parra
[Photo copyrights: Jaime San Martín]